How to deal with long flights

Follow my blog with Bloglovin For awhile the majority of flights I was taking were a minimum of 10 hours in the air. I actually don't mind a longer flight - I settle in, get comfortable (as comfortable as one can) and watch movies, eat my snacks, nap, read a little and voila! I'm at... Continue Reading →

Barbara Agnes and the silk scarves of your dreams

Follow my blog with Bloglovin If you couldn't tell by now, I'm a fan of Barbara and her work. She truly is an artist so I wanted to round out my blog series on Barbara with a chat about her work.... Me: Let's talk a little bit about your work, your designs.  Because you design clothing but... Continue Reading →

SPG Paris, Continued

Follow my blog with Bloglovin Today's post is a continuation of my conversation with the lovely Barbara Agnes. I'm always looking for recommendations on new places to go and (of course) recommendations for shops! Read below and just try to not book a ticket to Paris tout suite. Me:  Where do you like to shop?... Continue Reading →

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